The current theme for the Purse project is to make an amulet bag.
I'm not really into good luck charms, so I chose to make a small bag that would serve as a reminder of some of the character qualities I hope to instill in my daughter. Using the scripture passage 1 Corinthians 13 as an inspiration, I made a small angel with three large pockets in her skirt. One pocket for faith, one pocket for hope, one pocket for love. Angel is made from wool felt and stitched with embroidery floss. I used a black fabricmate dye pen to draw face, shoes and dress details. Because the pockets are open on top, there should be no hindrance to sharing the faith, hope, and love stored therein.
But pockets being pockets, they needed something placed in them. I chose tokens that symbolized the character quality of each pocket. The faith pocket has some tiny mustard seeds. The hope pocket has a small cross that belonged to my mother when she was a girl. The love pocket has a heart-shaped bead.

Angel measures 3 and 5/8 inches tall and has a gold ribbon to tie around neck. The angel design is from a vintage ornament pattern (which I have since mislaid) that I modified a bit.
But now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13
Adorable. I love the idea of mustard seeds in the pocket. You could go one step further with your daughter and make a game of putting a goal in one pocket each week (offering love to a lonely lady in a rest home, or praying for faith involving a problem, or giving hope to someone who needs support, etc). Thank you so so much for participating in this challenge.
I really love your angel! Making pockets in her skirt to put the tokens in is such a great idea. And, thank you for your comments on my blog. Every year I plan to cross stitch something for Halloween and never get around to it, but I just finished something tonight so I guess there is a good side to having a fractured knee. :)
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