This is a cushion I made back in March. I was prompted to make it shortly after Chatterbelle declared that she had outgrown the euro stye high chair I had purchased just three months before. She found a fat phone book to put on the kitchen chair and then climbed up to eat her meals. I quickly decided that the phone book was an eyesore and at next opportunity went to fabric store for supplies - no coupon, no sale. Paid full price for a 3" wide cushion and two yards of flannel lined vinyl. Completed project in afternoon despite an error in measurement, and placed on kitchen chair in time for dinner. But in typical Chatterbelle fashion, she refused to sit on it and pleaded for her phone book. I thought she would like it - it's yellow. So phone book was returned to chair and cushion was relegated to closet. Imagine my surprise when yesterday, out of the blue, Chatterbelle announced that she wanted to sit on the cushion. Cushion came out of closet, phone book returned to book shelf, and Chatterbelle appeared content to sit on the yellow cushion. It took her five months to decide that she liked it...

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