Sunday, July 1, 2007

Lucy Locket apron

Originally uploaded by pout on a whim
I decided to do a nursery rhyme apron for tie one on. The theme was pocket. Inspired by a vintage clothespin apron, it has one large pocket and three small pockets. Lucy Locket and Kitty Fisher both wear an apron with a pocket. And Kitty Fisher holds a working drawstring pocket (or purse) that Lucy Locket lost.

I used saral transfer paper to copy my design onto linen fabric. Then used a combination of embroidery and applique to complete the apron using fabric and thread I had on hand. Lucy's pocket is a small working drawstring purse that I tacked down. Chatterbelle has already put two beads and a button in it. The purse is yellow because it is Chatterbelle's favorite color and so most things we make have some yellow in it. I find that adding a bit of yellow to things quite cheering actually.

As soon as I finished the apron, Chatterbelle was eager to put it on. She promptly started finding things to put in the big pocket - leaves and flowers mostly as we were outside. But I expect it will be useful for gathering peas and other yummies from the garden.

Lucy Locket lost her pocket
Kitty Fisher found it
Not a penny was there in it
only ribbon round it.


Louise said...

I have to tell you that this is one of the cutest aprons I have seen in a long time - well done. Love the sling bag too - I'd love to make a larger version for myself. Thanks for the inspiration - your work is lovely!!

Patty said...

That apron is so cute! And I love your sling bag too. I'm glad to see you posting.